Small town girl enjoying the world, enjoying a healthy lifestyle and sharing it all.

"Thank you for joining me on this journey! Cheers to a new start!"
Wow! I cannot believe this! My own website and I am starting a blog. Oh, I’m sorry. How rude of me. Introductions first. Hi guys! My name is Jodi Greve (think Greevee). My friends affectionately call me Jodi the Gypsy. Carrie Jo, a friend of mine in Texas, nicknamed me this when I was coaching women’s basketball at Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches, Texas. Currently I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where I went to college (yes, I will Call the Hogs with ya!) I love to travel anywhere and everywhere. My last adventure is what sparked me to start this website and my new adventure. In January of 2019, I hiked Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. What an epic adventure! I never set out for this hike to be one of those midlife crisis, finding myself, life changing events. Oh my goodness! This trip has impacted my life in so many ways that I didn’t realize it would. I couldn’t keep all of that to myself so I had to share with anyone and everyone who would listen. I have always felt I have a story to share and I have now created a platform to share it with you. I am not a perfect writer. I will probably have some errors and mistakes, but who doesn’t? I believe I have an eventful and fun life and want to share it with as many people as possible! So, thank you for joining me on this journey! Cheers to a new start!