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100 Days

Did you know there is 100 days until 2020? That is all that is left in 2019. I didn’t realize this until a friend of mine mentioned it on a business call last night. It took me by surprise. I knew that the holidays were quickly approaching, especially since all the Christmas décor is out in Hobby Lobby, but it didn’t really click that the end of the year was near. When my friend mentioned it, I started thinking about what this meant.

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions or make vision boards at the beginning of the year. Some chose a word for the year that will represent what personal or even professional journey they want to take. The excitement of the new year lasts about 30 days for 80% of people. Such a bummer, right? But it doesn’t mean that you can’t refocus for the end of 2019. You have 100 days left of 2019 and that is A LOT of time! Reset your intentions for the rest of the year. There is absolutely no reason that you can’t make it happen.

I have a few ideas of how you can get back on track with your 2019 goals/resolutions/intentions.

1. Write them down where you will see them every day—you may have written them down before but if you don’t have them somewhere where you will see them over and over and over again, it is easy to forget about them. You can make note cards and put them on the refrigerator, in the bathroom, on your nightstand next to your phone, because we know you will always reach for that phone or all three places. Set them out so you are constantly reminded.

2. Set alarms—I actually got this idea from Brendon Burchard’s book “High Performance Habits” He suggests that you set alarms throughout the day to remind you of who you want to be, how you want to interact with others and his main phrase “Bring the Joy”. When you have an alarm go off on your phone, you will look at your phone, or watch, and read the name of the alarm. This will give you the constant reminders that you set for yourself. I will admit, this has been a game changer for me. I also highly suggest reading this book.

3. Make a plan for the last 100 days—Making a year-long calendar can be a bit intimidating. A thing called life can happen and the calendar that you have made for the year can easily become void. However, a three-month plan is a little less daunting. Reevaluate your original goals for 2019. Make any adjustments that may be necessary and go for it! One hundred days is a long time and so much can be accomplished.

Now it is time to finish the year strong!

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