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Climbing Kilimanjaro Day 1

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

It has been a year since I climbed Mt Kilimanjaro. I will forever talk about this journey. It is continuing to teach me lessons to use and relay to others. I had no idea the impact that it would make on my life and I feel I should share it with you. I wrote in my journal each day to capture the moments. As the days got tougher, the entries got a little shorter but I did my best so I would remember what I went through and how I felt. I published this in an e-book that some of you may have already read. The e-book was exactly how I wrote each day, with little to no edits. I will share those daily entries with you this week.

Letter from the Author

My experience on Kilimanjaro was life changing. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, mentally or physically. I did my best to journal my experience on the mountain. This book is simply that—the words I was able to write down to describe the events that happened each day. There is nothing extra, nothing added. Just the words to express the exact way I felt on that mountain. I could have definitely expanded, and maybe one day I will. For now, I wanted to let everyone know exactly what my thoughts and feelings were.

At the time of this writing, it has been two months since I made my summit. I am still in awe that I did this. It almost seems like a dream. I still watch my videos and look at my pictures, and it makes me a bit emotional. Truthfully, it makes me very emotional. It was hard, but it has changed me forever.

The lessons I learned about life—and more importantly, myself—on this journey are priceless. I have so much more to share with everyone, and in time, I will. I am thankful I work with a company, Juice Plus+, that allows me to not only help change people's lives, but it also helped change mine. The business and the product helped me get to the summit. Being a distributor for Juice Plus+ gave me the financial means to be able to take this journey, and using the product provided the nutrients and well-being my body needed to take this enduring journey.

I am realizing that because I took one leap of faith, it impacted so many people and I believe that it will continue to impact numerous others. That in itself is so exciting!

The paths we all take in life are different. I'm enjoying the one I am on, even when it includes hiking and climbing 19,341 feet on rocks, lava, ice and snow.

Day 1 11 January 2019

Moshi to Mti Mkubwa Camp 6 km

Elevation 2650 m (8694 ft)

I got NO sleep the night before. Literally NO SLEEP. It’s going to be rough. We have a 2.5-3 hour bus ride. I tried to cat nap as much as possible but the roads weren’t great so it wasn’t good. We get to the check-in around noon. We have to sign in, take a bathroom break and get some lunch. Our porters, who we call the G-Fighters, get our stuff weighed and a couple hours later we go to our starting point. When they say ”pole pole” (slowly, slowly) they mean it. And Holy shit balls! It was steep! With no sleep and my shoulder hurting, it was difficult. I was so happy to know that my team was very encouraging! Every single one of them was encouraging me along the way. So helpful. We get up one hill only to go up another…and another…and another! LOL!! But those G-Fighters were amazing! WOW! It was supposed to be a 3-hour trek but we made it in 2.5 hours. So thankful!! We did it!

When we got to camp, the G-Fighters had our tents set up. We get our tent assignment and get settled. They bring us a hot tub of water and small bar of soap so we can “wash off” before dinner. We get to the mess tent for some popcorn and hot beverage of our choice. We chat about the next day and Jessica says we should say what is our best/favorite part of the day. I said it is yet to come (sleep) but should have said it was hearing the encouragement from them.

Dinner was some amazing potato and leek soup and they made me a potato, carrot and onion/pepper mix since I was gluten free. I added some ground beef to it. After a full belly I was ready for bed. I got in the tent, situated somewhat, took some pills and crashed! It may have been 8:30 p.m.! I woke up feeling great! Looked at my watch. It said 6:30 a.m. I was amazed I slept that good. I figured in a few minutes I would hear some people wrestling to get up. I looked at my watch again and it said 6:30 a.m. I was confused. Then I realized it was still set on the alarm view since Rose was turning it off from the night before. It was only 2:30 A.M.!!! I tossed and turned but thankfully got back to sleep and woke up at 6:00 a.m. It’s been amazing. I’m ready for the next day!

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